The Karl Zünd Foundation is committed to projects that promote or support developments in one or more of the fields of sustainability described below.
Sustainability of projects
The benefits of the projects supported must be able to continue after the period of financial support provided by the Foundation. This means, for example, that local people can actively participate in the projects or can be trained to fulfil more advanced work (transfer of knowledge and skills). Other local or international “players” in the same field will be included. The project will not compete with local initiatives or with production and employment opportunities.
The three relevant dimensions of sustainability
The Foundation supports projects that contribute to maintaining or re-establishing threatened cultural traditions in the selected regions, promoting cultural elements that are significant for the region as well as fostering and anchoring the relevant activities such as knowledge and skills. The Foundation supports projects that aim at a “social impact”, improving the conditions of those groups that require such support because the resources are not available from other sources. The projects chosen will give disadvantaged groups access to social advantages such as education, development of vocational qualifications, work and leisure activities, etc.
Projects within the field of nature conservation supported by the Karl Zünd Foundation aim to ensure the biodiversity and protection of plant and animal species in a sustainable way.
The Karl Zünd Foundation promotes projects that make a contribution to economic development and the strengthening of a community’s social and cultural values. It is vital that they are based on the principle of “carrying capacity”, aimed at a gentle approach to nature with a genuine chance of taking root.
Ausgewählte Projekte müssen folgende Kriterien erfüllen, um den qualitativen Anforderungen zu entsprechen:
- The proposers are in possession of the relevant technical skills.
- The responsible persons involved in the development projects already have experience in development co-operation.
- The applicants have knowledge of the region and culture of the target area.
- Networking with the aim of strengthening existing structures is planned or already available.
- Those responsible for the project must be politically independent. Religiously motivated projects are supported only if the project initiators are open minded in their outlook.
- The anchoring of the project in the region is planned and realistic.
- An overall assumption can be made of the long-term, effective investment in a project. The appropriate possibilities will be verified or at least outlined.
Geographical emphasis

Projects in Asia and Africa
The majority of the funding is used for projects in Nepal, India and the ASEAN countries, as well as in sub-equatorial African countries, that correspond to the Foundation’s funding criteria and are based on social and cultural areas of activity. The main target groups (beneficiaries) of the projects are the local population.
Projects in the region
A smaller part of the funding goes to projects initiated and realised to benefit the Rhine Valley near St. Gallen and the surrounding region. These are mostly projects that focus on social issues, nature and environmental protection as well as the promotion of regional culture.

The Karl Zünd Foundation will only conduct correspondence with inquiries and projects that meet the above criteria.